Wednesday, March 16, 2022

How can you and I work together in our communities to help our children find an educational path that will best suit their needs?


       Statistics show that “less than half of college students graduate on time, more than one million students drop out of college every year, and first-generation college students are less likely to earn a college degree” (Kantrowitz, 2021). Even with this knowledge, schools continue to promote college for every single student. This leaves students and families feeling like a failure and often with a large debt that is not easily repaid. My intent with this blog is to help communities, parents, and students understand that college is not the only route to a career path that is rewarding and satisfying.  


Kantrowitz, M. (2021, November 23). Shocking statistics about college graduation rates. 
Image Source

Despain, N. (2021). Original text. Image retrieved from

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