Saturday, April 23, 2022

Could becoming a hairstylist be the right path for you?

        Have you ever thought of becoming a hairstylist? This is another career path that does not require a route through college. Did you know that in China hairdressers or hairstylists are mostly men? According to one article, 90% are men (Olenakagui, 2019). Here in the United States, it is just the opposite, “90.8% of hairdressers, hairstylists, and cosmetologists are women” (U.S., 2022). Both men and women can find success in this exciting venture. One famous, male hairstylist is Paul Mitchell. He and John Paul Dejoria, pictured below, created the Paul Mitchell line in 1980 with very limited funds. Their company is now worth billions and has over 100 products in countries all over the world (Our Story, n.d.). 

        Hairstylists value professionalism. They take their jobs very seriously. They are accountable to their clients, themselves, and those they work with. They want their customers to leave feeling satisfied and looking their best. They love having an opportunity to use their creativity. They appreciate a work environment that allows them to express themselves and fosters a team-building atmosphere (Our, 2021). Hairstylists understand the importance of synergy. They have a natural ability to get to know people, to find out “their interests, hopes, goals, concerns, backgrounds, and frames of reference” (Covey, 2020, p. 315). In doing this they help individuals find their own value. 

        Leaders are needed in this career opportunity who can “prioritize, unify, and create strong personal and professional relationships” (Weishaar, Collin, & Amos, 2016, p. 126). There are several steps required to become a successful hairstylist.

1.     Training - This can be done through a technical/trade school during high school if there is a program nearby or a beauty or cosmetology school after graduation.

2.     License - Every state requires a license which oftentimes includes a formal exam at the end of training.

3.     Gaining Experience - Employment can be found in salons, spas, resorts, and even nursing homes.

4.     Earn Additional Certification

5.     Advancement Opportunities - Building a list of clients, managing in a salon, opening a salon of your own, or becoming a teacher are all ways to excel (Five, n.d.). 

The salary for hairstylists starts at $20,900 to $68,200 per year. 

        Becoming a hairstylist is a different path to consider. It is just one of the countless options available for students graduating from high school. If this is a career that is appealing to you, click here to get more information. Also, will you please help me by clicking here to add to a list I am compiling of other career opportunities for students that do not require a college degree? I am planning to share it next week with students, parents, teachers, administrators, counselors, and others who are interested. As always, I love hearing from you so leave a comment below and I promise I will respond to you. Please share my blog with the people around you. #collegeisnotthepathforeveryone


Covey, S. R. (2020). The 7 habits of highly effective people, Chapter about HABIT 6. 

Five steps to becoming a professional hair stylist. (n.d.).

Olenakagui. (2019, November 11). Chinese hair salons: Cheap haircuts, pricey hair coloring * the travel bug bite. The Travel Bug Bite.,(an%20average%20of%20%245).

Our ten core values. Globe Salon. (2021, June 24).

Our story - about us: Paul mitchell schools. Paul Mitchell Advanced Education. (n.d.). from

U.S.: Hairdressers, hairstylists, and cosmetologists by gender 2020. Statista. (2022, January 11).

Weishaar, H., Collin, J., Amos, A. (2016). Tobacco control and health advocacy in 

the European Union: Understanding effective coalition-building. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 18(2), 122-129.

Image Sources

Hair stylist average salary in United States 2022. The Complete Guide. (2022).

Hair Stylist Quote. (n.d.). 

Image of John Paul Dejoria and Paul Mitchell. (1985).

Male or female hairdresser. (n.d.). 

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